Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Chapter 8 Time-table

Chapter 8 Time-table

#1 Exercises A-C: pages 96-98 in text

#2 Exercises D-E: pages 98-99 in text

#3 Study for Ch. 8 vocab: la tienda - ¿en qué puedo servirle? [1st column] (page 94 in text)

#4 Exercises I-J: pages 102-105 in text.

#5 Exercises K-L: pages 105-107 in text.

#6 Study for Ch. 8 vocab: la vitrina – comes [2nd column] (page 80 in text). Distribution of Ch. 8 verb packet.

#7 Exercise G on page 100. Prepare for presentation.

#8 Study for Ch. 8 vocab: Vocabulario Adicional (ALL!) (page 95 in text). Submission of xeroxoed verb packet.

In addition:

1. Ch. 8 recorded conversation
2. Ch. 8 xeroxed verb packet
3. Presentation: Exercise G, page 100